Aren ShalvardjianRegistered Physiotherapist

    Aren Shalvardijian

    BSc., M.PT

    Registered Physiotherapist

    I thrive to give my patients a holistic approach to an assessment to determine a working diagnosis and treat accordingly using evidence-based treatments.
    After graduating from my Bachelors of Science from the University of Waterloo, I completed my Masters of Physiotherapy at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2020. I have great experience in musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries and am certified in vestibular rehab, concussions, dry needling/intramuscular stimulation, and sports taping. I also volunteer with a local soccer club as the sideline therapist.
    In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, going to the gym, and playing sports such as basketball, soccer, and spikeball.


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